The biggest and most passionate country in West Africa awaits your arrival with open arms. Nigeria has plenty of hidden gems just waiting to be discovered!
What you need to know about Nigeria
Language: The National language of Nigeria is English. There are many tribal languages that locals will also speak depending on the area they come from but if you speak English then you will be fine.
Currency: Nigerian Naira.
Banking: All good hotels will have ATM or money exchange services and you will also find them in shopping centres and built up areas. The local economy in Africa is not as card-centric as elsewhere in the world so definitely carry some Naira with you in case you can’t use your card anywhere. You should be ok generally with your card in big city retailers though.
Weather: To sum up succinctly, it is hot. Like really hot in the summer months. You will absolutely need to consider appropriate sunscreen and vaccinations for Nigeria before you arrive. A yellow fever vaccination certificate is usually requested when you arrive at an international airport.
Things to note: The north-east of the country is not somewhere you should visit as it is much less developed and the region is more prone to criminal activity and violence. It is a really big country so sticking to the main cities and official tours will mean you stay far, far away from the troubled area.

Hit a beach in Lagos with some friendly locals as the sun sets.
To enter Nigeria, non citizens that are not residents of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) must apply for a visa. This is available at Nigerian diplomatic missions, high commissions, and embassies around the world. Nigeria also has some of the world's most expensive visas.
Make sure you bring the yellow fever vaccination certificate. Despite the fact that yellow fever vaccination is not part of the list of visa rules, you may be denied entrance if you cannot show proof of vaccination. Even if you haven't actually visited a yellow fever country and indeed the yellow fever jab isn't overtly required for admission, you will almost certainly be requested to show proof of vaccination and detained before you can bribe immigration officers.
Traveling everywhere in your own vehicle or a leased automobile (with a driver) is ideal, but there are a variety of other options. Nigeria's road infrastructures are inadequate in comparison to those in North America and Europe, yet they are often sufficient. An "okada" (motorbike) is not for the faint hearted that should only be used for quick trips. "Okadas" will bring you everywhere users need to go swiftly and safely. Buses and taxis abound in Lagos. The molue and the danfo are the two main bus types. Taxis are more common in smaller cities than public transport, and they are relatively inexpensive.
It's a good idea to know where you can get goods before you go out. This might help you avoid being targeted by touts. Your hotel may provide you with information such as a list of companies, locations, and phone numbers, as well as recommendations for stores and restaurants. When meeting with companies, the wisest choice to do is identify the company and phone or email a contact there, who can provide you with comprehensive directions.
It's usually a good idea to have cash on hand because international cards aren't always accepted. The best option is to purchase Naira with foreign money at airports or in close proximity to major hotels. Even here, these shops usually exclusively deal in US dollars, pounds sterling, and euros, or at least at an acceptable conversion rate. So, even before you get in Nigeria, alter your native money to any of these currency options. Changing big amounts of US dollars or euros with professional money exchangers, such as those at Lagos Domestic Airport, will get you a higher rate. You will find a cordoned area with a wide assortment of money changers that is mostly frequented by locals.
Before leaving Nigeria, it is recommended that you exchange all of your naira into another money at the airport. The exchange rate is meaningless because the naira isn't worth anything outside of Nigeria. In reality, you might not be able to find a Naira-trading exchange office outside of Nigeria, making your Naira useless after you leave the country.
Currency collectors may be interested in Naira bills/coins, but they will be little more than colourful keepsakes of your vacation. Financial institutions will convert physical paper cash (in reasonable currencies) to Naira, but generally they will not offer a service to exchange that Naira back to any foreign currency. So do this at the airport.
You're meant to haggle for your stuff in markets. Typically, the true price is around half of what was first requested. When the merchant believes you are a wealthy tourist who is unaware of the true cost, he or she may inflate the price. Do not walk away without purchasing following negotiating on a price; this is considered very impolite, but you have an obvious right to turn down an offer and walk away; it is your money you are spending after all!. It's also a good idea to go to the market with someone you can trust (preferably a local Nigerian) so that you are backed up with a hopefully local person that is less likely to be taken for a ride. That way, the vendor will know you're not an option to be duped into paying more than you should.
Supermarkets and restaurants usually have set prices. Fresh foods and Western-style sit-down restaurants are reasonably priced.
A big country with a big heart
Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa with over 200 million people living there. Because of this the main cities are big & bustling. Lagos traffic certainly will make you appreciate driving on open roads elsewhere! You can have a great time in one of the large hotels in the big cities where you can kick back by the pool, chill out at the bar or make use of the spa facilities that are commonplace at the finer establishments available. Using those as a base to begin an expedition or tour to see some of the sights and attractions outside of the cities is a smart way to see the best things to do in Nigeria.
Chief among those excursions are the main highlights that are easily reached from Lagos including the Lekki Conservation Centre and some natural beauty at Tarkwa Bay Beach.
No matter what you end up doing you will absolutely feel welcomed by the locals who are very friendly.
Historic and important sites that are preserved and protected
There are UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as Osun-Osogbo which is a sacred forest and in Osun State. It is delightfully undisturbed by the rampant development and urbanisation that has taken place elsewhere in the country and can be found on the banks of the Osun river in southwest Nigeria.
A rocking view from the capital city
One of the most striking natural attractions in all of West Africa is Zuma Rock that rises high into the sky and looms large over the capital city of Abuja. It is a particularly spectacular sight as the natural weathering of the rock over the years has left what looks like a giant human face cut into the rock itself. You can not fail to spot Zuma Rock if you are in Abuja but it becomes no less remarkable if viewed on a daily basis.
Travel destinations in Nigeria
Abuja: the federal capital city of Nigeria is a nice, small and relaxed place to do some exploring. Due to its central location in the country, it also works as a great base to explore the rest of the country from.
Lagos: the biggest and most vibrant city in Nigeria. Consider it your springboard to see loads of natural wonders and interesting, friendly locals.
Port Harcourt: The capital city of Rivers State in Nigeria, the bustling city of Port Harcourt is central to the oil industry, but aims to develop into a modern destination.
Best Hotels in Nigeria